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Education Programs

The Fayette Opera House is committed to education for all ages. We present programming that informs and expands our patrons as well as entertaining them.  However, the Education Mission focuses on our youth with opportuntites to perform and gain skills in the arts as well as using the arts as a vehicle for learning other subjects.



Mentoring Emerging Performers

Youth perform at the Bean Creek Coffee Houses and work with a mentor to improve performance skills. Call 419.237.3111 or email



Bean Creek Valley History Center


The Bean Creek Valley History Center will be housed in a storefront on Main Street and operated by residents and friends of the Bean Creek Valley. While its focus is on history, it will be collaborating with the Fayette Community Fine Arts Council and the Fayette Opera House on the development of stories and events that depict the history and traditions of this unique region of Ohio and Michigan.


Already, the Bean Creek Valley History Center has taken the lead in developing programs in collaboration with the Fayette Opera House

~ Seasons' Rambles: inititiated 2013-14 season

~ The Steinem-Nyce Series: Civil Discussions and Civic Engagement

~ The Oral History Project (currently in development)

~ Sentinel Project: A Civil War Cemetery Project



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