Fayette Opera House
Become a Member of the Opera House Association
Heat ~ Lights ~ Insurance ~ Maintenance ~ Repairs
Not necessarily the snazzy stuff of show business - rather the business of putting on a show. As an Opera House Association Member, you receive an invitation to our annual meeting, are a voting member of the Fayette Community Fine Arts Council, and become eligible for selection to the Board of Directors of the Fayette Community Fine Arts Council, Inc.
Usher $25 - $49
Stage Manager $50 - $99
Chorus Line $100 - $249
Director $250 - $499
Producer $500 - $1,500
Make Checks Payable to:
Fayette Opera House
105 East Main Street
Fayette, Ohio 43521
As a member...What do you get?
All Members:
You get to help!
Reduced price Season Ticket packages
Opera House eNewsletter
Attend the Annual Meeting
Arts Council Board eligibility
Stage Manager and Above
Recognition in the season program & on the website
Chorus Line and above
Reduced facility rental rates
Director and Above
Named sponsorship of a program